Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Adventures!

Okay, I have been very AWOL from the blogosphere, so let me catch you up on the times of me, myself, and I.
I am no longer a Texan child, I have moved and I am back in good ol' Utah.
I am now a certified vampire, AKA phlebotomist or the person who draws your blood with a big, scary, sharp needle!
I am living with an amazing family at the moment until I can find my own place. Speaking of finding my own place, I am going to BYU's summer program, then going to UVU in the fall! It's quite a bit of jumping around, but it's all int the Orem/Provo area, right?
I miss my family and friends in Texas, but I am excited to start new adventures!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's a Gray day without "Grey's"

Oh Grey’s, when oh when will you return?
Okay, I have many guilty pleasures, but this one is my biggest one! I love, love, love, LURVE ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy! The last episode was amazing, so right now I am just pining for the return of my favorite time waster. 
I can quote, quip and promptly analyze all the episodes, because I have seen EVERY SINGLE ONE! 
Oh, when, oh, when, will Grey’s return?? Sorry guys, this is just something I have to complain about, because maybe if I complain loud enough, (especially via internet!), then Shonda Rimes might read my blog and speed up the mid season break!  
If only, if only . . . 

Chris has a NEW GIRL!

Anyone wondering about how our young little friend Chris has been faring since his heartbreak?
Well, the other day he set eyes on beautiful little three year old Peyton. This is a beautiful little girl with charisma, and personality like a firecracker! She’s smart, blonde, and boys hold your breath . . .  she’s a future cheerleader!
Well, it started out with Chris looking at little Peyton and getting that glazed over look on his face. Then, he started hanging out with her and her friend Grace. 
At first, Chris was just as excited as he could be that two girls would him put his arms around them and walk around while he announced to the entire center that they were his “friends who are girls.”
Then, once Grace left, I noticed Peyton and Chris were holding hands.
He promptly announced to everyone, “We’re just friends! She’s a girl! We’re just friends!” He said all of this with a HUGE  goofy smile on his face.
Next thing ya’ know,  he is coming up to every adult that has the ability to hear in the center and telling them “Peyton’s my girlfriend! She’s going to come over to my house!”
He was sooo ecstatic! 
When Peyton’s mom came to pick her up, Chris immediately marched up to her and said with gusto, “Peyton’s my girlfriend! I want her to come over to my house!”
This poor mother was just a little taken aback that she was already dealing with the fact a boy was oogling over her gorgeous baby girl! “So soon!”
Peyton’s mother responded with a comment somewhere along the lines of, “you can come over when she turns twenty!”
It was very sad to see the two little lovebirds torn apart! They parted ways with a long embrace, Peyton begging her mother to let her stay, asking her to let him come over and play. Chris watched her go and stood on his tippy toes as Peyton walked away from the exit gate saying “I want you to come over to my house! I will ask my mom! YOUR MY GIRLFRIEND!” 
Translation: “I’ll see you soon! I will make sure of it! I love you!”
Ah, young love! To be three again!

Happy Bday Big Bro!

(Big Bro 1989-2008)
It was my Big Bro’s birthday a while ago, the problem? He wasn’t here to celebrate turning twenty two. He died four years ago, but I still wanted his birthday to be a special day. I really wanted it to be a day of celebration, not a day of mourning, so I wanted to do something in his honor. 
I was looking around one of my favorite blogs on his birthday for a recipe he might have liked, when I stumbled upon something he would have LOVED!

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie!
Courtesy of, I read the post and felt like it was there just for Big Bro. 
The reason this was so perfect is because Big Bro absolutely HATED birthday cake!
Every single year we would have to be creative about how to serve something sweet and blow out his candles on. One year, we were at a loss about what to serve, so we just opened a carton of ice cream and stuck fourteen candles on it!
I decided to make this PB ice cream pie for him and give it to a family I really love. I wanted to share it, share the joy of Big Bro’s special day and his wonderful memory. I feel like that’s what he would have wanted.
So happy birthday to my amazing Big Brother, and the memories that will never leave the ones he loved. We were so lucky to have had him for the short time he was with us!

If you would like to make this delectable dessert, go to: 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, 
I hope you are doing well this holiday season and that you and Mrs. Clause enjoy this season despite the pressure that comes with your career. I hope you enjoy this season as much as I do. Which is A LOT!
Well Santa, I know that you are very busy and have many demands on you this year and that traveling via sleigh requires much training and all your elves are hard at work. Not to mention the naughty and nice list. Wow, I thought my job had to deal with paperwork!
Anyways. To get to the point Santa, I thought now would be as good a time as any to send you my Christmas wish list! I have tried very hard to be good, [Lord knows I don’t always succeed!]. Nonetheless I have tried. 
So in no particular order, this is my desired list!
“Free Bird Necklace”

Sweater Slipper

Remember the FABULOUS pair of sweater slippers you got me last year??
Well, I have loved and worn them so much, I would like another pair. Pretty Please!
I absolutely adore these slippers! I would live in them if I could. (I would love them even more in red and black!)
Watercolor Sketchbook
Wilton Kit for making things with fondant. Things like the food coloring, bags and tips, and more!
I would also enjoy gift cards from: Urban Outfitters, Aerie, American Eagle, Pac Sun, Barnes and Noble, Micheals, Hobby Lobby, Target, Walmart, The Local Movie Theatre, ETC . . .
Also Santa, I am moving out on my own VERY soon. So, I would greatly appreciate some household-ey goods!
I would absolutely LURVE . . . 
A KitchenAid mixer

A Vacuum
Cleaning Supplies 
all of that good stuff!
(P.S. I would REALLY love the KitchenAid Mixer!)
Thanks so much for listening to the demands of a grown young woman who probably who has no business writing you, when you should be reading the letters of desperate children. 
Yours truly. Always your biggest fan!
Sunshine <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Little Bro's Surgery

So, here's the story. Unfortunately Lil Bro is scheduled to have surgery this afternoon. He was "hanging out" [that's what he says now because he is cool, and he is in middle school.] with some friends when one got the idea to throw him a stick. Lil Bro caught the stick, but upon catching said stick he was stuck with a LARGE splinter in his finger. We took out as much of the splinter as we could, but we couldn't get it all without making his finger into hamburger meat. 
We saw several physicians and they all told us the same thing, it will eventually rise to the surface. Be patient.
Well we were patient. Except for his finger kept getting larger and purple-er. Then, Little Bro's school nurse caught a glimpse of his finger. She said something to him along the lines of "GET THEE TO AN URGENT CARE NOW!!" So, we did.
The Urgent Care said we needed to take him to the ER [Emergency Room]. So we did. They referred us to a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands. So we went. Lil' Bro is not scheduled for his surgery this afternoon, where they will put him under gen. anesthesia and open his hand and flush the infection/splinter out. 
All of this is because of a SPLINTER??!!
So, when Lil Bro was informed of his upcoming surgery, this is how he took it. . . 

 Lil' Bro is now thrilled to be having his surgery and spending his recovery time reading the book he has been waiting for several months to own.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Library fines. Oh me oh my!

(This is where my books should have gone a month ago. Oops!)

On monday I finally returned the books to the library I have had for quite some time. I knew the fines would be bad, because I have had these books past their due date for almost over a month. 
I walked up to the circulation desk and a very friendly man with a "blackbeard" worthy beard handed me my fine list. It came to $20!! 
I almost cried as I kicked myself for my stupidity and negligence! 
However, I was so proud of myself for paying my fine and finally taking responsibility for my tardiness/negligence that I rewarded myself with ice cream from Brindles
It was SOO good! If you are ever in San Antonio, and you ever get the chance, please, please, do yourself and your soul a favor and indulge in it's amazing glory.
I got the "Cardamom" and "Azteca" flavors. D-LISHUS!

I love being responsible. I think I should do it more often!